Welcome to the Bonner Springs Church of Christ! We meet at:

419 East More Ave.
Bonner Springs, KS 66012

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Sermon Audio Update

Due to livestreaming the Sunday morning worship services, along with livestreaming the Sunday and Wedensday evening Bible studies, we are no longer recording he sermon audio mp3 files. This means we are no longer uploading the sermon mp3 files to the website. Please go to our Facebook page (search for Bonner Springs church of Christ) to access our videos. 

If you have an individual sermon you would live to have in an mp3 format, please reach out to us and we will do our best to convert the sermon from the online video into an mp3 file for you.


We apologize for any inconveniencee this may cause. 

Online Services, Bible Classes, & Content

Here is detailed information on how to access our Live Streaming option for our services and Bible classes!

Every Sunday morning at 10:30am we live stream a video of worhsip service on our Facebook page, complete with prayers, singing, the Lord's Supper (so you can partake with us at home), and a sermon! 

We also have a Bible class live streamed on our Facebook page every Sunday evening at 5pm, and Wednesday evening at 7pm. 

If you have a Facebook account, you can set up to be notified when we go live, or when whe post new content.

  • On a computer: Go to our Facebook page (link below), Like our page if you haven't already, then click on  "Following", and where it says "Notifications" click on "Standard".
  • On the Facebook app: Find and like our Facebook page. Click on the three dots. Click on "Following". Click on "Edit Notifications Settings". Click on "Standard". 

Now you will be notified any time we post new content.

Here is the link to our Facebook page where you can find all of our posts, and access our Live Video Feed on the days and times mentioned above. : 


Choose Your Own Adventure

If you were a child or a teacher in the 80’s and 90’s, it is possible that you have heard of Choose Your Own Adventure books by Edward Packard. How many of you read books or watch a movie and ask, “Why are you hiding from the bad guy upstairs?” or “Why are you walking alone at night?” These books were written to give you choices to make to change those things. It would read like this, “If you want to look for the princess in the dungeon, turn to page 43. If you want to look for the princess in the tower, turn to page 50.” The ending and the adventures you had along the way changed depending on the choices you made. The beauty of a book like that is you could read the same book many times and it would never have the same ending. Each time you made a choice, if you didn’t like the outcome, you could go back and try again. If only life were so.

It seems that every day we are in our own “choose your own adventure.” Every day might not be an adventure, but every day is filled with hundreds of choices and decisions to make. Some of them we make with little-to-no thought. They are minor in the scope of the big tapestry of our lives. Others, we might linger on before making a decision that can’t be changed. Moses set before the people this choice: “See, I have set before you today life and prosperity, and death and adversity; in that I command you today to love the LORD your God, to walk in His ways and to keep His commandments and His statutes and His judgments, that you may live and multiply, and that the LORD your God may bless you in the land where you are entering to possess it” (Deuteronomy 30:15-16). If you were given this choice, which would you choose? This was presented to them again after they conquered the Promised Land.         

Joshua said to the people of Israel, “Choose for yourselves today whom you will serve” (Joshua 24:15). He was restating the choice that they had made before they came into the land.

These two instances highlight some truths about our adventure of choices. The weight of some choices determines other choices for us. Moses said that if they chose life and prosperity then they had also chosen to love God and keep His commandments. In a similar way, when we chose to serve Christ we also chose to pattern our lives after His. While we can’t go back and do things over again, grace allows us to do better next time.

We can’t avoid the consequences, but we can get back on the right path that leads to the reward at the end of this adventure. Not all choices are life altering, but we need to be alert to those choices that can forever change our path and set us on a course for an undesirable ending. The choices we make echo into eternity. What choices will you make this year to keep yourself and those around you on the path?


Jesus' vs Our Viewpoint of the Bible!


The comments made by those who visit our services are so important. Someone once said, “I’ve been to many churches and they talk about the Bible; at this church you let the Bible talk to you.” Our goal is to simply open the Bible and let the message of this amazing book guide us in every aspect of our lives. There is a reason why our classes and sermons are different. We truly want to have the same attitude toward the Bible that Jesus had. Take a moment and think about Jesus and His respect for the word of God. We must have that same respect.

We believe the Bible because Jesus believed the Bible. He believed that it described precisely what God had done in the past. He really believed the Genesis account of God creating Adam and Eve (Mark 10:6-8). He believed in the Divine origin of marriage. He believed the story of Noah and the great flood (Luke 17:26-27). He believed that God destroyed Sodom (Luke 17:32). He believed God spoke to Moses at the burning bush (Mark 12:26) and gave the manna from heaven (John 6:49). He believed that Jonah was inside the great fish for three days and three nights (Matt. 12:40). Jesus believed the Bible.

We believe the Bible because Jesus believed that every single letter of every word was given by God and not one letter has been lost. Sometimes we might think that since so many years have passed that we can have no assurance parts of it have not been lost. Think about this. The smallest letter in the Hebrew alphabet is a jot, and Jesus said not a single one of them had been lost (Matthew 5:18). He gave us His words in the New Testament and promised that every word He spoke would abide till the end of time (Matthew 24:35). He believed the eternal nature of the Bible and so must we.

We believe the Bible because Jesus said it would be the basis of the judgment of our lives at the end. How do you decide how to live? What guide do you have about how to live on this earth? Listen to the words of Jesus. “He who rejects Me and does not receive My words has that which judges him—the word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day” (John 12:48).  Looking at nature can let us know God exists, but it cannot reveal how He wants us to live (Psalm 19:1-2). He has revealed Himself to us and given us His eternal word to be our guide.

If you visit our services, you will sense a deep respect for the Bible and a sincere effort to study every word in the Bible. Jesus taught that His words are the life source given to us by God (John 6:63). God help us to return to His word with the same attitude of respect and reverence for the Bible that Jesus had. There is no other way!

Looking Upward

     It is remarkable how often the Bible makes reference to our ability to see. The contrast between righteousness and unrighteousness is illustrated by referring to light and darkness. The Bible uses the spiritual eyes of Christians walking by faith in contrast to those who walk in darkness. Our God wants us to use the eyes of faith to look upward.

     David, whose heart was like the heart of God, gives insight into the source of his spirituality. How did he begin his day? Take time to read his words slowly and think about them. “My voice You shall hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning I will direct it to You and I will look up” (Psalm 5:3). Imagine how busy the life of the king of Israel was, yet he found time each day to look upward and spend time with God. How foolish are we when we get so busy that we cannot find time to look up to our God!

     The writer of Hebrews dealt with those whose faith was being challenged and who were tempted to turn away from God and choose a less demanding life. What illustration did he use to encourage them? He described life as being like a race. He urged them to lay aside every weight which burdened them as they ran and to keep going onward with patient steadfastness. Then he said, “Looking unto Jesus…who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:2). Instead of focusing on our own “crosses” and adversities, we should look upward to see our Lord seated in heaven. He never gave up, and we can look upward and see Him there awaiting our arrival.     

     So, when you are in the midst of trial, remember the examples set before us by David, and the Lord. We are never alone, for He will never leave us or forsake us. Instead of looking outward at the problems, may God help us to look up. The eyes of faith see things which others will never see!   

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”(Daily Reading, ESV)

Recent Sermons

  1. PlayLife Gives Us Sour Lemons
    Jordan Edwards
  2. PlayTrust God
    Jordan Edwards
  3. PlayDanger! Danger!
    Jordan Edwards
  4. PlayAfter God's Own Heart
    Jordan Edwards
  5. PlayFlower Power
    Jordan Edwards